Thursday, May 3, 2012

Time to Celebrate: Chemo treatment completed!

Bravery Beads Collection. Each bead represents a procedure, event, or test.

After 5 months, Rosie has officially finished her treatment protocol for her type of cancer. She completed 6 Chemotherapy cycles, 7 surgeries, 30 scans & test, and 103 blood work.  She received 3 Stem Cell Transplant, 21 blood product transfusion, and 13 TPN & lipids.  And she survived total of 41 days in isolation. She has grown braver and smarter since we started. She can sing her alphabet, count over 10, colour really well, sing nursery rhymes and calmly faces her assessments and procedures.  She will cry with pokes but who wouldn't.  Rosie likes to be informed of her procedures and test. She also like to be involved in her care and be given choices.  She's is such a big girl.

Rosie's tumour and chemo treatment has altered her speech a bit, made her walking slightly imbalanced, and some high frequency hearing damage.  Her side effects is considered minimal and not requiring therapy. Would we have made a different choice at the beginning?  Absolutely not.  Hours after our arrival at Sick Kids on November 25, 2011, she had a seizure with her eyes and head flipping up and backwards.  Her brain herniated, her brain was being squished by the excess fluid blocked by the tumour.  No words can describe what we felt at that moment, hearing that our daughter has brain tumour and then seeing her almost dying.  Any wrong choice made that day, she wouldn't be here today.  We believe that God has guided us to be there at the right time.  We held on that memory to keep us strong through her treatment.

Her incision scar is healing well

We are thankful that she had a full resection (removal) of her tumour.  Keeping a positive view of things through it all wasn't easy but its was the only outcome we want.  We were sad that the tumour was malignant but thankful that it was treatable.  Sad of her side effects but glad it was minimal and she can still grow up a normal, happy girl.

Our cancer journey is not over.  Rosie is still receiving IV hydration overnight at home. She still require blood work and transfusion until her body is able to grow its own Hemoglobin, WBC, and platelets.  We still have many follow-up visits. And we need to have an emergency baggage in case she gets infection or fever and require readmission to the hospital.  But that's okay, it's all for her safety. Glad we are being proactive with her care. 

We are thankful to God for letting us keep our healthy, happy baby girl. And grateful for the wonderful service we received and is receiving at Sick Kids Hospital. We are also speechless from the love we received from our family, friends, and community. Thank You from the bottom of our hearts!

For detailed events & more photos, see 


  1. Dear Rosie I want you to know how much you are cared for and that you are an insperation to me. I am all grown up now but when I was little I had a brain tumor as well. You remind me of myself because your a fighter and I know you will get better and go on to do great things in your life take care.

    Adam Mason

    1. Thanks Adam for sharing and for inspiring Rosie. It's nice to hear from heroes like you.


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